A few months ago we did some experimentation with Amazon’s free ebook program. After some research and speaking to those who have gone before us, my publisher and I decided to try it again, this time for two days.
When you sign up for the KDP program, you can have up to 5 free days in a 90 day period. During that time, your ebook is exclusively on Amazon.
Now that everyone seems to be jumping on the free ebook promo bandwagon (on Amazon and elsewhere), the interweb seems awash in free ebookness. It makes me wonder if the market will get oversaturated and the free campaigns will cease to have the same affect. Hmmm.
How many free ebooks do you actually download? Of those, how many do you read? I may not be the best person to contemplate this, as I’m still primarily a hard copy reader.
I will post more hoohah and stats after we complete this second free campaign.
In the meantime, please pass the word!
The Ruins of Noe ebook will be free for TWO DAYS on Amazon.
Starting 12:00 AM PST Friday, July 6 (approximately)
and running through 11:59 PM Saturday, July 7
You can download your free ebook version from Amazon HERE.
Don’t have a kindle you say? Neither do I. You can still read download and the book. There are several free kindle apps you can use for iphone, ipad, android, blackberry, internet browser, windows, mac. I’ve read books off my iphone, in the cloud, and on my computer.
Awesome! Spreading the word!
Thanks, Deb! Hope your summer has been fabulous so far.
I am not a good person to ask, as I don’t own an e-reader. I love getting my hands on a real book. However, my mother-in-law has a Kindle, and I have won a couple of e-books whose codes I have given to her to download.
I wondered about the risks of free downloads and how that was going to topple the market. It will be interesting to see the consequences.
I was given an ereader, but I still buy and borrow 95% of my books. I primarily use my ereader to read PDF’s of my critique partners’ books. It is good keep in my purse when I have a spare 30 minutes to wait in a drs office or something.
The momentum for these free ebooks has grown exponentially over the past year. It’s crazy. I don’t think it will topple the market, but I think it will lose the power it once had. If a million people are giving away free ebooks, we’re bound to stop paying so much attention, right?
Ours was a marketing experiment. For a small press to reach that many people, it’s worth it. Hydra House cannot compete promotion-wise with the big guns.