How can we expect the next generation of children to live peacefully and joyfully on this earth, when they can’t even trust us to nourish them, and their planet, properly?
I believe every child on this earth deserves to be fed every day. I believe every child should, if they need to, sleep with a roof over their heads. When they are ill, their parents should be able to get free medical help for them. And they should be able to get as much education as they need to pursue their career, at no expense to them. They should be fed, stomach and mind.
(I also believe they should participate in other activities that feed the soul, but I won’t go there just yet)
How is this possible?
It IS possible if people would begin to think as a collective, not as individual egos. We are so busy being hurt. Once we realize we are all made up of the same cosmic dust, we will let go and love each other in the way we were meant to.
But letting go of the ego is very difficult. The ego is tricky. It makes you believe you are made up of a bunch of things that aren’t you. All the ego wants is to be right, and I see so many people who’d rather be right than be happy. I’m sometimes one of them, I see it all the time… although it’s happening less and less now that I’m more conscious of it.
I attribute this to many things, but a great place to start is with Eckhart Tolle’s book A New Earth. I’m reading it for a second time and it’s feeding me in all the right places.
the ego is the problem, and has Eckhart Says himself that the kollektive ego is worse than the individual. the kollektive ego is what seperates nations from nations, and the individual ego is what separate the individuals. only be inner peace in the individual are we able to
nurture our young. kollektivism is just another step towards mankinds destruction.
Hi superior bliss – it’s been a while since I wrote this, but I believe what I meant by “collectively” was believing ourselves to be One. If we drop ego and realize our oneness, our connectivity to all beings, I think we will indeed nurture all.