my fabulous publisher, Tod, sent these pics to me. They’re the proofs from the printer. Goodie-goodie!

I thought it was interesting that they didn’t bind it, just sent loose pages. Does anyone know if this is standard? If I think back almost 25 years ago (egad!) I remember getting blue-line proofs for the college magazine I edited at California Lutheran University, Morning Glory. I can’t remember if they were loose.
Something I do remember, though. One year, the magazine’s faculty adviser made up a philosopher and it became tradition for the editorial team to make up a quote and attribute it to this philosopher inside each issue.
You can now purchase copies of Brigitta of the White Forest from en theos press.
What a cool cover!! I’m so excited!!! And look at your cute photo on the back 😉
That’s how I’ll seduce them into buying the book. They won’t be able to resist my cuteness.
oooh, you scared me with that mad face emoticon.
(thanks, yvette!)
Yay! This looks very cool Danika.
Now that’s what I call a SQUEEEE moment! Congratulations, Danika—happy book launching!
Deb – yeah, for sure!
Love it! Congratulations!
I hope you celebrated – because, as a writer, is there anything more glorious than that moment of holding your book for the first time? Of opening that package?
I’m celebratin’! I’m doing my happy dance.