NOTE: THE GLITCH AT AMAZON has been fixed. The Ruins of Noe will be available for FREE on Friday, May 4.
I have no post for MGM this week about another author’s work.
Launching a book turns my regimented (har-har) schedule on its head. But below I have Shannon Messenger’s list of MGM topics for this week, so please explore!
This week I’m dealing with my own MG book, The Ruins of Noe, which is Book Two in the White Forest Faerie Tales series. It officially launches tomorrow (May 1) and I’m feeling ready for a nap.
As some of you know, my publisher is offering the ebook version of TRoN for FREE on Amazon the day of the launch. I spoke about the Economy of Free in my last post and it will be interesting to see what happens. I’m sure many of you would like to know . . . do free ebooks actually generate sales?
I’m guessing there are a lot of factors around this. How many fans an author has already, the genre, the marketing campaign, and whether the book is good or not. I’m sure a few writers have thought to themselves, “How are we supposed to make any money if we are now expected to give our work away for free?” To which I reply – – you’re not going to make any money at all if nobody knows who you are! 🙂
For the next few weeks, to celebrate the launch, I’ll be doing a blog tour. Some stops are reviews, some are interviews, some are guest posts. You can find the Schedule HERE.
I promise to have a fresh MGM material for next week. In the meantime, please visit the growing list of MGMers (reposted from Shannon Messenger’s site):
– The Mundie Moms- Click HERE to see their newest recommendations.
– The lovely Shannon O’Donnell always has an MMGM ready for you! Click HERE to see what she’s featuring this week!
– Karen Yingling also always has some awesome MMGM recommendations for you. Click HERE to which ones she picked this time!
– Gina Carey is wondering at WONDER. Click HERE to see why she thinks you’ll be moved too.
– Joanne Fritz has an exclusive interview with author Jerry Spinelli–with a GIVEAWAY. Click HERE to read more.
– Barbara Watson is highlighting GLORY BE, with an author interview–and a GIVEAWAY! Click HERE for all the details.
– Michelle Isenhoff is raving about one of her childhood favorites: THE BLACK STALLION. Click HERE to learn why she still loves this classic.
– Brennan and Meyrick Murphy are marveling at PERFECTLY PERILOUS MATH–with an interview. Click HERE for all the fun.
– Gabrielle Prendergast is gushing about OUT ON A LIMB. Click HERE to see why she loved it.
– Andrea Mack is cheering for a slightly younger middle grade, CINDERELLA (AS IF YOU DIDN’T ALREADY KNOW THE STORY). Click HERE to learn why.
– Michael Gettel Gilmarten is highlighting AMAZON: AN ULTIMATE ADVENTURE NOVEL. Click HERE to see what he thought of it.
– Riv Re joins the MMGM fun with a feature on THE DRAGON’S TOOTH. Click HERE to welcome her to the group!
– Chelanne Green is celebrating 11 BIRTHDAYS. Click HERE to see why.
– Laurisa Reyes is swooning over SHADOWS IN FLIGHT. Click HERE to see why she loved it
– Rosi Hollinbeck also joins the MMGM fun with a feature on NO-NAME BABY–with a giveaway! Click HERE for all the details.
– Julie from “That’s Swell” is back with a feature on THE MAPMAKER AND THE GHOST. Click HERE to see what she thinks!
Congrats on your book release tomorrow!
Thank you!!! My brain is spinning.
Congratulations! I’ve wondered about the free thing too, but it seems to make sense to get the word out there for the book launch. I’ll have to look it up.
Apparently, a bunch of people who had changes around May 1 are now unable to access their ebook accounts on Amazon, so no free book yet. Will let you know!
Happy Book Birthday, Danika!!
Good luck with the books. Just came across your blog and I am impressed by you hard work in making this a great resource. I did got lost and foudn out that I write like L Frank Baum (maybe because my protag is called Oscar–Oz!!). Anyway–well done.
I think it makes sense. Good luck on your release date and may you get lots of sales!!
Thanks Michale, RA, and Traci! Even though we had our free ebook glitch, and some hair-pulling out over that, it’s still launched. whew!