I’d like to put a plug in for another writer’s work today. Cat Rambo‘s book of science fiction short stories NEAR + FAR has been released by Hydra House today.
First, the trailer:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zndJZGt0THE]
Second: I just ordered this book myself. I’ve heard Cat read twice and immediately bought one of her books. When she read her work, it had the rhythm and language of poetry and I was immediately drawn in. Great characters, too.
Third: The print book brings something you can’t get in an e-book. It’s a “double” book (I just learned this is called a tête-bêche format, also known as the Ace Double), one cover on one side of the book and flip it over for the second book. The two books meet in the middle.
Fourth: I’m very happy to say I had something of a hand in the cover. I met the artist, Sean Counley, in Bologna at the Children’s Book Fair and introduced him to Tod McCoy at Hydra House via email because I thought he would appreciate Sean’s work.
Sean’s cover art:
Fifth: I haven’t seen the inside yet, my book hasn’t been delivered, but Cat says there is interior artwork by her long-time friend Mark W. Tripp. Mark and she have been putting together jewelry based on his art! What a great idea. And you can win one!

Sixth: Cat is just an all around nice person and she has pink hair. Her own words about her book:
- Unlike [my] other two books, this collection is pure science fiction. I wanted to show I don’t just write fantasy and I was pleased to find out that I had more than enough published SF to justify a collection.
- The book grew out of my belief that for physical books to survive as a medium they need to become more than just a mechanism for delivering text. They need to be objects of art in and of themselves.