Since I’m away this week, I thought I would leave you with a fabulous author site to explore. THE ENCHANTED INKPOT is a collective of writers of “high, historical, traditional and cross-genre fantasy intended for middle-grade and young adult readers.”
On their website they have a list of the authors, their bios, and tons of interviews. I think I’m going to use this site as a reading list. Why not? It’s a great resource.
MG Authors on the site include: Ellen Booraem (The Unnameables, Small Persons with Wings), Kate Coombs (Runaway Dragon, the Secret Keeper), Jennifer Nielson (Underworld Chronicles), Jacqueline West (The Books of Elsewhere), Hilari Bell . . . it goes on. It’s a good sized list. You’ll just have to go check it out.
There’s a list of ALL the books from the Inkpot authors on GOODREADS.
If you are a writer of MG/YA fantasy and would like to join the Inkpot collective, their requirement is that you must be with a publisher listed in CWIM or an agent listed in CWIM, AgentQuery, or other recognized agency listing. SEE HERE for more details.