I FINALLY finished typing up my 2008 August 3:15 Poems.Woo-hoo!
They were primarily about my stress level that year, writing/producing/directing a low-budget TV show for a boss who loved to bully, ruled by fear, worked people to the bone and spat them out.
But the final entry was different b/c I managed to get out of town for a wedding. So, at least the series ends on a positive note.
August 31, 2008
Nisqually Lodge, Ashford, WA
Oh noble neon abalone*
I am deep in the woods
I have escaped the drum and hum of
the big city and its machine
taken away to a wedding party a
festival of creative minds a reminder of what
my life was like before it was consumed
The monkey is now back inside
my heart not wrenching mind with
chatter to do hub bub baloo
I am among friends and wine and roast
lamb on a spit disco ball little girls in
velvet dresses baked apples w/a cherry on top
Bosnian mother astrologer godmother circus
ringleader pyrotechnic acrobat all playing in
the yurt w/ DJ wedding cake and 4 pregnant
bridesmaids Amen Hallelujah
I did have a former life, it wasn’t a dream
there is a home to come home to
what matters what matters is there
peace it together, baby
don’t forget the labyrinth
of stones gathers moss the tree
accepts hugs
*a reference to poet Lee Ann Brown from a present beau I wrote for her years ago (which is a poem formed using only the letters found in the person’s name)
The 3:15 Experiment is an annual collaboration of poets, waking each morning at 3:15 AM during the month of August to write.