Last week was Children’s Book Week, and authors toured, story-told (that’s a word!), gave books away, and otherwise celebrated children’s literature in bookstores, schools, homes, and libraries.
I only managed to visit about 8 blogs on the Children’s Book Week Giveaway Hop, but still managed to win a copy of An Unstill Life by Kate Larkindale, which looks like a great read.
I had a giveaway for the Hop and I’d like to thank everyone who entered and tweeted and posted and face booked. There were far more entries than I expected! Congratulations to the winners:
Cheryl Booth Rogers
I gave them both a choice of prizes and they both selected to receive the first 3 books in the WF series, which means that I still have a copy of Now Write! Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror and Futuredaze: Anthology of YA Science Fiction.
I loved the Futuredaze anthology. I loved it so much I wanted to gift a copy to someone else. And I have to admit I’ve only glanced through the Now Write! book b/c I’ve been so dang busy. But there are an overwhelming about of respected writers inside contributing advice and writing exercises, so I know it’s going to be extremely useful and I can’t wait to get to it.
So… I am going to split them up and give them away separately. One person will win the Now Write book and one person will win the Futuredaze anthology (North America only, sorry folks)
All you have to do is tell me why you want the book (or books)
why you enjoy science fiction and/or fantasy
and I’ll have my elves pick a winner.