Yes, it’s true! The Shed-to-New-Office Renovation (Aka Spider Relocation Project) is (mostly) complete!
Final spider relocation tally:
Spiders Successfully Relocated: 60
Spiders Lost During Relocation: 4 (not including that sac of eggs I threw out)
Spiders Misplaced During Relocation: 2
Spiders I Allowed to Stay: 2 (but they’re very small)
And now for the coolest part of the whole deal (TRY not to be TOO jealous). You see the white & orange frames on the wall on the bottom photograph? Those are painted on magnetic whiteboards. I know! I first painted on the metal paint, then the white board paint, and PRESTO!
The first message is from my GBF. It says “I feel like I’m on the inside of a melon.” It’s true. My office feels fruity. But that’s a pretty happy place to be, I figure.
Five weeks from start to finish!