I was tagged to do this blog hop by Tod McCoy, missed the deadline, but was determined to do it anyway, because I said I would.
The thing is, I honestly think there is nothing more boring than talking about one’s W.I.P. I warn budding authors not to do this on a daily basis. You’ll tire people.
So, unless
a) I’m at an author’s reading and everyone in the audience is just dying to know what said author’s next project is, or
b) I am in a writing group/workshop and the subject of conversation is my W.I.P.
I try to keep this kind of thing under my hat as much as possible. But, hey, since he asked . . .
1) What is the working title of your book?
2) Where did the idea come from for the book?
From one my own teaching exercises, actually, soon to be published in the Tarcher/Penguin anthology Now Write: Speculative Fiction. I heard an editor on a panel once say that she wanted to find the “Lady Gaga of authors” and my mind wandered to, as the exercise goes, “Lady Gaga . . . in space!”
The two rival intergalactic pop stars were so clear in my head at that moment I drew illustrations of them in my notebook, not something I normally do.
3) What genre does your book fall under?
I call it a Pop Space Opera, but since that is not technically a genre (yet!), I would say Light Science Fiction.
4) Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?
There is actual music in this story, so protagonist IdoLL would be played by someone like Keke Palmer (she could do her own singing). And for Jettison Prix (IdoLL’s rival) I want Dara Sisterhen (I have no idea if she can sing. I worked with her on a film before and she is hi-lar-ious), and if I could get a contemporary, edgier version of Bobby Womack for Reggie Backstone, that would be great, thank you.
5) What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?
In a galaxy where fame can falter at the flip of a switch, a petty pop star must team up with her musical rival in order to prevent an interplanetary war.
6) Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?
I would like it to be represented by an agency because of the multi-platform elements. I don’t really know how to handle that, nor do I want to, so I’ll need someone else to manage it.
7) How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?
I wrote it in a month for NaNoWriMo 2011.
8) What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?
It has been described as Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy with a soundtrack. I’d say with a healthy dose of The True Meaning of Smekday.
9) Who or What inspired you to write this book?
See Question #2
10) What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?
The novel is divided into “tracks” and I have written an original song for each track. The idea is that the music will accompany and complement the book. I am currently working with a musician to produce the first three songs of the book to use in the pitch materials.
~ ~ ~
And now I will end this blog crawl by turning the camera like they do on The Amazing Race and say: I choose not to tag anyone. (and yes, I was always the kid who broke the chain letter)
Danika: As we move deeper into the internet jungle, we see more possibilities. Tod is showing you which roots are edible and which are not. It’s a good thing he’s got you doing, and you’re right at home doing it. “A Pop Space Opera…” Indeed. You and Tommy…go get’em.
haha, thanks, Jack. I owe a lot of this one to NaNoWriMo as well. It was only during the frenzy of such an experience that I could capture the manic tone of this story.
I had to smile at your warning to budding authors about talking too much about their WIPs. I rarely go into detail about my WIP other than to say ‘I’m working on such and such and wow, isn’t the weather balmy for January…” lol.
I follow a couple of blogs who do a lot of talking about their WIPs, and you’re right — it is bor-ing.
I love the sound of your book, and I can’t wait to see Pop Space Opera become a real genre. 🙂
And we can say we heard about it here first!