When I started my 10 day screenwriting challenge the other day, little did I realize how this might get me in shape for one of the most interesting screenwriting contests I’ve seen: Screenwriting Expo’s CyberSpace Open.
The contest is set up in round-robin (elimination) style. Each round the participants must write a five page short script around a specific premise. You can write from anywhere. To win you need to survive 3 rounds, each with a tighter deadline than the last.
In the final round, the top 10 writers have only 90 minutes to write a 5-page script. Whew!
I’ve been writing a short script per day for the past 7 days. I missed one day, so I only have 6 scripts. I was hoping to write 2 today, but I don’t think that’s going to happen.
I may actually keep doing it for 2 weeks. We’ll see if I run out of steam.
I will post my favourite script of the 10 (or 14) right on this site. 🙂
good luck with your venture. have a great day.
Hi Michelle, thanks!
Wow. This sounds like pressure-cooker writing. Good luck with it & let us know how you go.
I just turned in my first round scene (under the extended deadline for the techncally incompetent).
If you want to, I’ll swap scenes with you so we can each get a little more feedback.
Hi Leland,
Unfortunately… I didn’t get a chance to participate in the contest due to my job. we went into production and filmed all that weekend.
Hope you had fun with it! I was really looking forward to it, but it was impossible with my schedule.