I’ve developed a course called Introduction to Speculative Fiction and there’s a particular brainstorming exercise where students do sub-genre mash-ups to generate stories.
Once when I was teaching the class there was a woman in the front row who spent most of the class scribbling in her journal. She was a contemporary fiction writer working on a semi-autobiographic story. I thought she wasn’t interested in the class and was off on her own adventure. Turns out she had been inspired by the exercise.
She told me later that she had been stuck in her writing and depressed about it. She had been having trouble letting go of parts of the story that weren’t serving it because they were “true.” Even though it was a work of fiction, she was attached to these “truths.”
After our genre exercise, just for the heck of it, she decided to add a magical realism element to her “real world” story. She said not only did it make her story more interesting, it freed her from this need to stick to “reality.” She apologized after class for spending the whole time working on her story and I said, “by all means, it was a perfect use of the time!”
from Wikipedia:
As recently as 2008, magical realism in literature has been defined as “a kind of modern fiction in which fabulous and fantastical events are included in a narrative that otherwise maintains the ‘reliable’ tone of objective realistic report … fantastic attributes given to characters in such novels—levitation, flight, telepathy, telekinesis—are among the means that magic realism adopts in order to encompass the often phantasmagorical political realities of the 20th century.”
1) SET YOUR TIMER for 10 minutes.
Think about a moment in your life when you had to say good-bye to an inanimate object (a car, a dress, a book, a couch).
Start with the line: It was time to say good-bye to …
Write without stopping, crossing out, rereading, or editing.
2) SET YOUR TIMER for 12-15 minutes.
Now make the object animate in some way. Give it a magical property. Have it visit you in your dreams. Give it some way to communicate with you.
Start with the line: The (object) looked at me and …
3) SET YOUR TIMER for 20 minutes.
And now write the SCENE between you and the object if you haven’t already.
Start with the line: In this scene …
Write without stopping, crossing out, rereading, or editing.
Still lovin the exercises!
Glad you find them so useful. I was pretty happy wiht this one.